Saying that, I must admit I hate chapstick. It is so generic, some of them have tint and flavors but they're just not that appealing. A few weeks ago I saw a video on Youtube from emilynoel83 where she reviewed these amazing lip balms. Now, you know me, I had seen this product before but completely ignored it. Until of course Emily talked about it. It is the EOS (evolution of smooth) Lip balms.
They come in this cute little round shape, makes them look like a bouncy ball. You twist off the cap and you find the balm itself in a rounded shape. They come in different scents like summer fruit, honeysuckle honeydew, sweet mint and their new lemon drop (with SPF 15). The smell these puppies have are delicious! Oh my, makes me want to eat them. I'm more of a visual person, so the shape they have is what sold me, but the smell is such a nice little touch. It's not overpowering and it doesn't linger too much after you've applied it so that is great.
Now, onto some more important matters. How good is it?
Well, in my opinion these are awesome.
First of all, the application is super quick, just pucker up your lips and coat them with the balm in one or two strokes. You do both lips at one so that's a time saver.
The feel of it is super smooth, my lips feel like velvet when I have this on.
The packaging is great. Just throw them in your purse without having to worry that the cap will come off, and when you need to apply it, you don't have to dig through your purse to find it. The ball shape is easy to feel around in your purse without having to look.
So how do I rate this product? I give it:
Because all of the things it does and the fact that it's convinient and cute, this product gets the highest marks. I urge you to get it if you're in the market for some good quality and fun lip balms.
Now onto the pictures:

I bought this trio for $9.99 and if you check EOS website you'll notice that they run for $3.29 each. I urge to to look in your local drugstore and see if you can find a good deal.
If you're thinking of only purchasing one, I recommend the lemon one just because of the SPF in it.
Because all of the things it does and the fact that it's convinient and cute, this product gets the highest marks. I urge you to get it if you're in the market for some good quality and fun lip balms.
Now onto the pictures:
I'm trying something new with the pics, so please click on them for full size.
I bought this trio for $9.99 and if you check EOS website you'll notice that they run for $3.29 each. I urge to to look in your local drugstore and see if you can find a good deal.
If you're thinking of only purchasing one, I recommend the lemon one just because of the SPF in it.
i also love these little lip balms!!! i didnt know they had that cuteeee package with all 3 of them. I must order right now heehee
I know Clauds, I didn't know either until I saw Emiliy Noel on youtube talk about it. Super cute to have.
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